
About Us


Imperfect people boldly sharing the thrilling hope of Jesus every day. 

We believe discovering your identity in Jesus Christ is life changing. Experiencing the extraordinary and transforming power of a relationship with Jesus changes everything. Each day brings new opportunities to become more like Him as we impact and influence others, helping them to do the same.

Salem's Values


We love all people because Jesus does.


Celebrating God's freedom and extending it to others.


We mobilize for lasting impact in our community.


We pour God’s truth into the next generation.


We give as Jesus has given to us.

Faith Journey Outcomes

People at Salem are challenged to look introspectively at their personal faith journeys. We’re not content to simply go through the motions or check a box for God. Instead, we individually wrestle through these five questions:

How am I deepening my relationship with God?

How am I walking transparently with a Christian friend?

How am I prioritizing the needs of others?

How am I leading people closer to Jesus?

How am I focusing my resources on eternal impact?

Our Mission

Find your purpose. Build Community. Transform Lives.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to live an abundant life. We believe that every single person has a purpose and can walk in freedom and confidence in Christ. We are passionate about being a people who have a strong relationship with God that impacts the lives of those around us.


Lives are changed in the presence of God

Spiritual Growth

We will pursue becoming more and more like Jesus


We truly believe it is more blessed to give than to receive

God's House

We will invest our lives to build the church


We find strength and purpose through relationships


We believe life is a journey to be enjoyed


We seek to honor God and inspire others in everything we do


We will live for generational impact

God is Good

We believe God is always good in every season, situation and circumstance

Our City

We love our city and take responsibility for it

Our World

We will make a difference globally
Our Beliefs

Statement of Faith

As we live our lives following these core values and investing into the Kingdom of God, we believe God will build the local church to have an impact and make a difference.
Our History

Past to Present

Since 1851 the good news and love of Jesus Christ has been shared by the leaders and people of Salem Lutheran Church. With a missional heart and an innovative spirit, Salem has been committed to carrying the message of Jesus Christ to generations of people, not only in northwest Harris County, but to the world at large. Throughout the decades Salem has led the charge in being the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus by presenting His message of forgiveness and salvation, while providing relief and comfort through local ministries, disaster relief teams, and oversees mission teams.
Salem Lutheran Church is still a tapestry on the loom. Threads of grace, love, action, mission, and generosity continue to be woven together every day as we boldly share the thrilling hope of Jesus, inspiring all  to leave a legacy of faith for generations to come. [...]