7th & 8th Grade Confirmation


9 AM In-Person Worship & 10:30 AM In-Person or Online Worship


About our Confirmation Program

While you may not always feel like it, you are entering a unique stage of growth, leaving childhood behind and maturing to adulthood. You’re becoming more independent and learning to make choices and decisions on your own in many areas of life. 

Your spiritual life is also going through changes. This is the phase when everything you learned as a child gets tested, questioned, and refined. Confirmation training is about deepening your understanding, knowledge and love for Jesus and help you grow into the faith in which you were baptized. Your participation shows you want to identify personally as a disciple of Jesus, and publicly live out your Christian faith in all your daily activities - commitment calling for courage! 

We have an incredible confirmation team made up of Connect Group leaders, SSM staff and event chaperones that will support your student during this process.

If you have questions about Confirmation, please contact us at confirmation@salem4u.com.

Each lesson in this Journal is made up of four parts:

READ asks you to open your Bible and your catechism and do just that… read. See what’s written there, what is says about God, what is says about you.

REFLECT asks you to think about what you’ve read. What is it teaching you about being a follower of Jesus? How does what you’ve read compare with your experience in your life?

WRITE asks you to put something —maybe a few verses of the Bible or something from the catechism—into your own words, to capture what’s being said in a way that sounds like you.

RESPOND is where the challenge comes in. Now that you’ve read and thought about this teaching, how will it affect your life? How will you put it into action?

Because each lesson is brief, you may find yourself wanting to hurry through and get a bunch done at one time. Try to keep in mind the goal isn’t finishing the Journal. The goal is learning about and exploring your faith along the way. It doesn’t benefit you to rush through the materials. This Journal can be used by yourself, but this experience will be even more meaningful and rich if you choose to work through these lessons with a parent, godparent, or another adult whose faith you admire. Before you begin, take a moment to pray. Ask God to open your eyes and your heart to what He would have you see and learn. Then take your time with the lesson. Thinking through what’s being asked will help you gain a deeper understanding of each teaching. Taking the time to write out your thoughts, as opposed to scribbling a few words, will help you be more thoughtful and will help you retain what you’ve learned and explored. As you work through the lessons, jot any insights or questions you have in the margins of the page. Talk about your questions with someone at home or at church and share your personal thoughts. It’s exciting when God reveals something new! At the end of each unit there is a Chapter Check-In. You are to have your parents sign this section indicating you have completed the memory work and completed this portion of the book. Turn this page into your discusssion leader. Enjoy the journey! And be ready…God has some wonderful things in store for you as you explore your faith.

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7

Lesson Forms & Documents

Memory Verses:  (DOWNLOAD PDF)

Sermon Notes:  (DOWNLOAD PDF)

Generosity Reflection:  (DOWNLOAD PDF)

Apostles' Creed:  (DOWNLOAD PDF)

Chapter 1 - Baptism   (DOWNLOAD PDF)    (ONLINE CHECK-IN FORM)

Chapter 2 - Sacrament of the Altar    (DOWNLOAD PDF)    (ONLINE CHECK-IN FORM)

Chapter 3 - Ten Commandments: Part 1    (DOWNLOAD PDF)    (ONLINE CHECK-IN FORM)

Chapter 4 - Ten Commandments: Part 2    (DOWNLOAD PDF)    (ONLINE CHECK-IN FORM)

Chapter 5 - Apostles' Creed: The 1st & 2nd Articles    (DOWNLOAD PDF)    (ONLINE CHECK-IN FORM)

Chapter 6 - Apostles' Creed: The 3rd Article    (DOWNLOAD PDF)    (ONLINE CHECK-IN FORM)